Whale watching at Hervey Bay 


When we got up a northerly wind was blowing. Not a good day for going out to sea at Hervey Bay, especially if you have a weak stomach when it comes to boats. But we had our whale watching tour already booked.As our schedule would not allow a change in date anyway, whale watching it was.

Whale season runs from July  to November at the East coast of Australia. That’s when the whales first travel up North to have their calves and with the young ones they then travel South again.

We were lucky that we did not have to go long before we encountered a group of three young males with one female and her calf. We could see them in the distance first but once they had learned that our boat was no threat to them they came right up to the boat even diving down on one side and resurfacing on the other. They were really playful and curious.

Hunting for whales was stopped in 1962 in Australia and since then the whales would come closer to the coast line again. Today whale watching is a major part in the tourism industry in towns like Hervey Bay.

While we were watching the three males were fighting over the female even though she was with calf. To us this looked like they were really goofing off. Meanwhile the female was supporting the young one by pushing it up and forward with her head. The calf was probably tired from keeping up with the strong males.

Travelling back the sea had calmed down quite a bit. Therefore even I was able to enjoy a bit of lunch that was prepared for us on the boat and that we ate anchored in front of Fraser Island, this time enjoying the view from the sea side.

Despite any stomach trouble I had (F and the kids wete alright) it was a fantastic experience to see the whales up close. Certainly a tour on this trip I would not want to have missed.

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