South Carolina


As my dear hubby is travelling to South Carolina for business on a regular basis we decided to come and visit with him for once. The kids were off from school for Easter holiday for two weeks. Perfect time for some sightseeing and shopping in the US!

Plus some cultural exposure of course. We are making it a point to give our teenagers insights into different countries and cultures in order to broaden their horizons. And we are enjoying the experience along the way just as much!

So on the first Saturday of their holiday we boarded the plane and headed to Charlotte, North Carolina, where the best husband in the world picked us up at the airport. From the airport we drove across the state line to South Carolina to a town called Rock Hill.

The following days we spent with a lot of shopping! The girls had saved up all of their pocket money and earnings for this trip and were ready to spend every dime of it.

At nights we met up with the best husband and a few of his colleagues for dinner.

The sightseeing during this week was limited to driving through Greenville were we met up with a lovely couple (and their kids) that we had met through a mutual friend back home. Rock Hill to Greenville is about a two hours drive. It gave us all a good first impression of the countyside in the area and was actually the most the best husband had seen of the state as well! That’s the thing with business trips: as interesting as it sounds you usually see nothing but airports, meeting rooms and hotels. So we all enjoyed looking at the houses and pastures along the road.

On the last day of our stay in Rock Hill my older daughter and I decided we needed to see a bit more of the area so we drove to Charlotte, NC, and crused around Fort Mill, SC. Both places proved to be really beautiful! Unfortunately I did not take any pictures except for this one at a mall.

And one taken out of the car in Charlotte downtown. Parking is difficult here so we just kept driving around.

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