Netherlands- Rotterdam


Next stop was Rotterdam. We stayed in the most lovely B&B in Barendrecht, just 10 minutes by train to Rotterdam center.

If you are looking for a comfortable appartment check Helle’s B&B And don’t skimp on the breakfast. Helle prepared it with so much love. Homemade rolls, smoothie, cake, … Our only regret? Only booking one night.

We were able to drop our bags early and took the train to Rotterdam Blaak. When you exit the train station you stand directly in front of the Kubuswoningen. It’s a first glimpse of the creative architecture in Rotterdam.


Again we started walking around, shopped at the market hall (markt hal) and continued on to the harbor.

We strolled along the Witte de Withstraat, a hip party location. Also you find small shops and cafés on this street. We took a souvenir home from a gift shop: bottle openers in the shape of a bicycle- what’s more Dutch than this?

Witte de Withstraat, Rotterdam

When you continue straight you reach the depot of the Museum Boijmans with it’s shiny surface.

Museum Boijmans van Beuningen

Already from home we had tickets booked for Rotterdam Remastered, a digital interpretation of Dutch paintings. They surround you with paintings that are constantly evolving. You can “play” with digital fish, immerse in Van Goghs colors and dance with Mondrians squares. Marvelous! Art in a totally new interpretation.

Rotterdam Remastered

After dinner in a small Indian restaurant we walked back to the train station with this view of the Erasmus bridge in the background.

Erasmus bridge

The next day we took a walk around the campus of Erasmus University. Unfortunately it was Sunday so the campus was almost deserted.

Erasmus University, Rotterdam

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