From Moclips to Forks we came along the Big Cedar Tree, another one of the old trees in the area. On the short hike off Highway 101 you get to experience the magnificent quiet of the rainforest. We really enjoyed hiking this short path as we had originally intended to do a hike in the Hoh rainforest. But at I was feeling under the weather we had decided to skip this trail.

Arriving in Forks you are immediately in “Twighlight” country. The town itself is rather small but was a good stop for the night before heading up North.

We did ride around town to see the different locations of the movie but what interested us more was to go to the shore. Logical places from Forks are La Push and Rialto Beach. We chose for the latter. Before you get to Rialto Beach you cross the “treaty line” that separates Werwolf from Vampire country in the Twighlight books- just one of the many hints on the story.