Francois Perron National Park


Originally we had hired a regular car for our trip. But our destination for today, Francois Perron National Park, is only accessible to all terrain vehicles. We therefore decided to book a tour with to enter the park. Turned out to be a fantastic decision anyway.

Hubby letting out tire pressure for 4 wheel driving

We could have driven into the park by ourselves but the roads are quite difficult to navigate if you are not used to them. And we would have missed out on the background stories our lovely guide Janine provided us with. Also we would have missed out on a lot of the wildlife auch as sea sharks, rays and dolphins.

We learned a lot about how the British disrupted the balance in wildlife by bringing domesticated animals to Australia like fox and goat. She explained to us how the Australian government is working on reestablishing a balance of native mammals again- a project called “Project Eden”.

We did some wonderful hiking along the deserted beaches of Francois Perron NP and stopped for tea and lunch with marvelous views of this incredible landscape.

After a quick dinner at the Monkey Mia Bar we called it an early night exhausted from all the things we saw that day.

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