

We took the train into Sydney and explored the city walking.

Paddys Markets

First stop was Paddys Markets where you can buy anything from phone accessories to hats, souvenirs and cloths.

China town

We then crossed China Town and strolled down George Street where we took a detour through the Queen Victoria Building. It houses a shopping center that is worth a visit because of it`s architecture.

Queen Victoria Building

When you keep on straight you end up at Sydney harbour where we had lunch at the Museum of Contemporary Arts. The museum´s roof top cafe offers not only delicious food but also a beautiful view over the Harbour Bridge. Unfortunately we couldn‘t see the Opera House from the terrace as a gigantic cruise ship was docked in the harbour blocking the view.

We continued on George Street that now runs parallel to the harbour. A short climp up on Argyle Street took us to Observatory Hill.

View from Observatory Hill

Before we headed back we walked across Harbour bridge from where we boarded the train to Lindfield.

Sydney from Harbour Bridge

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