

From Phillip Island we drove through flat farm land towards Melbourne. The extensive asparagus fields and beautiful farm houses reminded us of the Netherlands. From the agricultural setting the surroundings changes to suburbs that have the distinct air of being planned on the drawing board and almost felt surreal- as if we had entered the movie scenario of „Desperate Housewives“.

A total contrast was Brighton Beach in the outskirts of Melbourne with large villas and shaded side streets. It’s here that you find the famous colorful beach houses, little private cabins facing the ocean.

Brighton Beach

Just a little further Point Ormond Lookout allows a first glance at Melbourne‘s skyline.

Point Ormond Lookout

For our stay we had booked a charming little apartment in Balaclava, just a short train ride away from city center. Baclava lies within the inner suburb of Melbourne about 7 km south-east of Melbourne’s Central Business District (CBD for short). It has a very hip, laid back feel to it and we instantly fell in love with the area.

Once we were settled into our AirBnB we took a tram into the CBD for some sightseeing. The weather was forecasted as getting extremely hot and we wanted to see a few things before the heat would become unbearable.

Royal Gallery
The Reuniting Family
Wall Art on a street in Melbourne

As sunset was approaching we took a tram past our apartment to St. Kilda beach for dinner with a view.

Luna Park at St. Kilda Beach
Sunset at St. Kilda Beach

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