On the way to Adelaide/ Hahndorf

Country Road on our way to Adelaide

From Point Fairy to Adelaide is a total of 575 kilometers. So we decided to take the shortest route.

About one third into our tour we left Victoria and entered South Australia. And with it we switched time zones. The clocks turned back half an hour and 11 o’clock became 10.30h. Even though it is just half an hour the time change left us feeling a bit desoriented. By now we are used to being jet lagged but half an hour feels quite odd.

Public picnic area

We had left Point Fairy early and at that time had not been hungy yet. So we decided to have breakfast (our usual meal on road trips is Greek yoghurt and berries with nuts and sometimes granola or muesli).

You gotta love Australia for its public amenities. Wherever you go you find well kept picnic areas equipped with tables and barbecues. There are always public toilets near by. And everything is clean and well maintained. If you want to have food on the road these places are perfect and we used them several times on our Australia trips for a quick breakfast or lunch on the go.

Right before we reached our destination in the afternoon we spontaneously opted for a detour. Friends had told us about the town of Hahndorf.

Hahndorf is Australia’s oldest German settlement, established in 1839 by Lutheran settlers fleeing religious persecution near what is now the German-Polish border.

Walking through Hahndorf as a German feels weird. Everything has the appearance of being German. The restaurants serve sauerkraut and sausages and German beer. But it is Bavarian beer and the restaurants have beer gardens. A place sells cuckoo clocks and steins.

Gift shop

So German here equals Bavaria or Black Forest but at least on the surface it does not have much to do with the Prussian heritage of the founders of Hahndorf.

Nonetheless it was fun to see and visitors seem to enjoy it. We enjoyed the German apple tart and continued to our destination, Adelaide.

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