Getting ready for the Kimberleys


Today was mostly about getting ready to go to the Kimberlys the next day. We had to get the last clothes washed to either put them in the suitcase that we would leave behind in the hotel or put them in the soft bags that we brought for the camping trip.

But before we started repacking we went to the Broome Courthouse Market. On this market this lovely fairy was painting glitter tattoos for kids. Isn’t she wonderful?

Glitter tattoos

The market is close to Broome airport where we returned our rental car, filled out the damage claim forms for the stone chip in the windshield and then took the Broome Explorer Bus back to our hotel. For the first time on this trip we spent some time by the pool.

Bali Hai Hotel

At the bus stop we chatted with a lovely couple from Sydney who had lived in Holland for many years and migrated to Australia in the 1950s. They were 83 and 90 years old and still travelled escaping the Sydney cold. It keeps amazing me to see the elderly generation make their way all around this big continent to go exploring. Some of them pack up for month in a row to travel around with a camper and we talked to people in their sixties who just came back from surfing. People here in Australia seem to age differently.

Concert at Cable Beach

Once we had all our stuff ready and deposited our suitcases in the hotel we walked down to Cable Beach where a concert was being held to protest fracking activities in the Kimberly huge region.

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