Palm Cove Sanctuary

After checking out of the hotel we went downtown to get our rental car. When we went to collect our car we immediately noticed that our luaggage would not fit in. So we went back to the rental company to swap cars. The friendly staff gave us a free upgrade to a Toyota Klugar. Nice…


I am still not sleeping in in the morning. The rest of the family has well gotten into the rhythm but I seem to need way fewer hours of sleep every night than at home. Which means I am usually up first. So I got up and walked to the supermarket and got a few…

Darwin & heading to Cairns

The sky was cloudy and there was a breeze going when we got up. But it was still warm enough to go to the pool. So we packed up and checked out of the hotel leaving our luaggage behind. Today we were lucky and found a really nice sun protection shirt and a pair of…


After a lot of hiking and early mornings we have a few days to relax in Darwin. It is very hot and humid here in the Northern Territory even at this time of year. I can’t imagine what it is like to live here in wet season. It’s definitely no climate for me! [View from…

Jim Jim Falls & back to Darwin

We got up well before sunrise. The kids kept complaining all through breakfast. Apparently they hadn’t slept well as the tents on the camp site were very close to each other and they had heard people talk and snore all night. F and I, who are accustomed to putting in ear plugs in in such…

Kakadu National Park

This mornings highlight was a boat trip on the “Yellow Waters” to see some crocodiles. And did we see some! This picture was taken with my mobile without using the zoom: He was just cruising slowly alongside our boat completely undisturbed by a bunch of tourists snapping pictures. We also saw a large variety of…

Litchfield Park & Termite Mounds

Getting up early we left our suitcases behind in the hotel in Darwin as this time we would be coming back to the same spot. All we took was our small backpacks and two soft bags wih everything we needed for three days camping in the tropical Kakadu National Park. Our first stop was Litchfield…

Alice Springs heading to Darwin

The night was a short one and we were all awake early again. As we were staying right in the center of Alice Springs we decided to hit main street for breakfast and found a nice little cafe. Prices for Europeans are rather steep here. So even a muffin and a cup of coffee seams…

Kings Canyon 

Waking up well rested from a wonderful night under the Australian stars at the “Kings Creek Wilderness Lodge” we headed towards the Kings Canyon in Watarrka National Park. As K was still suffering from her stiff neck and because the proposed tour started with a steep climb we separated from the rest of the group…

Kata Tjuta (Valley of the Winds) & Mt. Connor

Poor K is attracting it all: in the morning she woke up with a stiff neck making it hard for her to move. Luckily our tour guide found a pot of tiger balm in his bag that he had brought back from Thailand some time ago. As I am writing this post (trying to catch…