Grand Canyon

Our ride from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon took us over the famous Route 66. Of course we had to put the right music on and listened to Nat King Coles “Route 66” song. Well, the kids didn’t like it. I guess they need to get a bit older to appreciate such classics… We drove…

Traveling to San Diego

Today my younger daughter and I flew to Los Angeles were we met up with hubby and my older daughter. Both had already spent the last two weeks in the US, hubby working and my daughter on an exchange with an American friend in South Carolina. So after not seeing each other for two weeks…


When we woke up on Monday morning we could not believe our eyes: New York was white! It had snowed over night and all the sidewalks were covered with slush. Our kids had come down with a soar throat and decided not to leave the hotel. If it hadn’t been for breakfast downstairs they probably…

NY Easter parade

Our younger daughter had read about the New York Easter parade ( on the internet and urged us to go there. Like a lot of the sites the parade was within walking distance from our hotel so we decided to give it a try. For Easter Parade people were gathering around St Patricks Cathedral on…

NY: Grand Central to 911 memorial

When we arrived on Friday night the flight was delayed by two hours which caused us to end up in rush hour traffic getting into New York. So all we did for the evening was to check into the hotel and then go out for some groceries. Pasta fixed in the little hotel kitchenette was…

New York City

Quite exhausted from all the shopping we did in North and South Carolina we boarded a plane to Newark for a few days of city sightseeing. Our hotel was located right in the center of midtown Manhattan on East 48th street. Which made walking to a lot of sights a breeze. Nonetheless we bought all-…

South Carolina

As my dear hubby is travelling to South Carolina for business on a regular basis we decided to come and visit with him for once. The kids were off from school for Easter holiday for two weeks. Perfect time for some sightseeing and shopping in the US! Plus some cultural exposure of course. We are…