Nelson Bay

We spent a lovely Easter weekend at Nelson Bay relaxing, stand up paddeling and eating delicious fish and chips.

Heading back to Hobart

The night was cold but the weather started to turn for the better. From Maydena we wanted to go see the Styx Tall Trees and the Styx River Walk. The map gave us a mere 18 kilometer drive. But as I mentioned in an earlier post: do your research. This drive is not for the…


It was still raining in Tullah when we left in the morning. So we decided not to even have breakfast before taking off. Our first coffee stop was to be in Queenstown. What was intended to be a quick coffee to go ended up being a very nice experience. Queenstown turned out to be a…

Mount Cradle

Rain clouds were moving in and the closer we got to Cradle Mountain the darker the sky became. Cradle Mountain was supposed to be a hiking spot with longer walks in the mountains. But it got so windy and rainy that we have to give up on even the shortest walks. A severe weather warning…


We left the coast heading inland from St. Helens towards Launceston. Our first stop was the cheese factory at Pyengana where we bought some delicious cheese for dinner and enjoyed watching the cows line up for milking at an automated milking machine. Whenever a cow wants to be milked it walks up to the machine…

Bay of Fires

Before leaving Bicheno we stopped at the blowhole. Having been disappointed by the one in Kiama this one lived up to its name. The incoming water sputtered through the hole high into the air. A fantastic spectacle! Our destination was the Bay of Fires, one of Tasmania’s most stunning regions. Located on the edge of…

Tasmania- East Coast

The cloud cover lifted completely over night and temperatures were mild when we started on our way to Wineglass Bay in Freycinet National Park. When planning a road trip across Australia do your homework and research your route. We wanted to go from Dunalley to Bicheno and from a small highway where taken to an…

Dunalley/ Port Arthur

Temperatures did not drop as much as we feared they might but we started into the morning with nine degrees so we had to layer up with puffer jackets and rain gear in order to keep warm. We circled Tasmania counterclockwise and started with the Tasman Region. The area is famous for Port Arthur, one…

Tasmania- Hobart

The most wonderful introduction to Tasmania was a trip up to Mount Wellington which towers over Hobart at 1270m above sea level. When we looked up to the mountain from our hotel we were dubious about whether we should make the drive as the summit was covered in clouds and it looked like we would…

Adelaide to Hobart

As we enjoyed the botanic garden so much and as we still had some time to kill before our flight to Tasmania in the afternoon we drove to Wittunga Boranic Garden. Again, a very beautiful park with nice shady areas to protect us from the heat. Later that day we returned our car and flew…