Netherlands Utrecht

The last university we visited was Utrecht. It is the biggest university in the Netherlands and one of it’s oldest. Utrecht is very bicycle friendly whereas the use of cars is widely discouraged and parking is incredibly expensive. An estimated 125.000 cyclists move around the city every day. Downtown bicycle parking offers space for 12.500…

Netherlands Amsterdam

Amsterdam was the next stop on our trip. We checked into the hotel and then walked through Vondelpark to the museums quarter. In Vondelpark we came across an open air concert by Goldkimono, a Dutch band. We had never heard of them but quite enjoyed their music and kept listening to them on our road…

Netherlands- Rotterdam

Next stop was Rotterdam. We stayed in the most lovely B&B in Barendrecht, just 10 minutes by train to Rotterdam center. If you are looking for a comfortable appartment check Helle’s B&B And don’t skimp on the breakfast. Helle prepared it with so much love. Homemade rolls, smoothie, cake, … Our only regret? Only booking…

Netherlands – Maastricht

My daughter wants to study in the Netherlands. So we decided to tour the potential cities and their universities. First stop was Maastricht in Limburg. It’s a beautiful city with old buildings and a vibrant student life. Even though we arrived on a Thursday all the charming cafés and restaurants were full, almost all the…

Lago Maggiore

In these crazy Covid times we decided that we would not go on a proper holiday. But when my hubby told me he had a business meeting in Switzerland I was more than happy to accompany him. So instead of going Monday for the meeting we already drove down on Saturday. We arrived in the…

First day in Barcelona

We started our day off with breakfast at a cute little cafe close to our hotel. It’s called “Hidden Cafe Barcelona” ( and it serves delicious coffee and sandwiches. With renewed energy we then went to the nearest tram station to buy tickets for public transport. We decided on day tickets but it turned out…


A city I always wanted to come back to is Barcelona. As a student I had taken Spanish classes and then interned here for a few months. Back then I had fallen in love with this vibrant city and swore to return one day. But life does not always go down the way we envision…

A bit of winter in the Austrian Alps

Skiing wasn’t really meant for us this year. Instead of going for a whole week like we have been doing for the past few years this year we were only able to get a few days in. So when my dear hubby suggested to head for the Hochzeiger in the scenic Pitztal in Tirol, Austria,…

Skiing Brauneck, Lengries

This morning we sent our kids off to school and went skiing (yes, I know…) While the weather remained gray at home all day we were able to enjoy the most beautiful sunshine and excellent skiing conditions. Located at about an hours drive South of Munich Brauneck is ideal for a skiing or hiking day…

Obere Fristalm, Spitzingsee (Bavaria)

The weather can be tricky in the Bavarian Alps at the end of October. Some days you’ll end up seeing nothing but fog and you’ll be slipping and sliding due to the sleet on the hiking trails. But if you are lucky and happen to travel on a day when the “Foehn” winds clear the…